
S.W.A.T. has many features and here you can see some of them which have been highlighted by our users.

Category comparison

Compare your website with other websites from your category.

Feature: Category comparison

Reporting and recommendations

Get a personalized report with recommendations on how to improve your website.

Feature: Reporting and recommendations

S.W.A.T. fingerprint

Analyze the S.W.A.T. fingerprint of your website and see your site's weaknesses.

Feature: S.W.A.T. fingerprint

Improve your score

See how much effort you need to get a better website and compare your scores to other websites from your category.

Feature: Improve your score

Detailed description

Easily hover your mouse over module name and find out why is this module important for you and how is the module score calculated.

Feature: Detailed description

Quick preview

Take a quick look at how you website is performing and find areas that need more improvement.

Feature: Quick preview

S.W.A.T. certificate

Get and official S.W.A.T. certificate of quality stating your website score.

Feature: S.W.A.T. certificate

Track your progress

Use Control Panel to manage and keep track of your website quality progress.

Feature: Track your progress

Responsive design

View how your website look on desktop, mobile and tablet.

Feature: Responsive design